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A Helping Hand For Asylum Seekers In Jeju

As many now know several hundred Yemeni asylum seekers have found their way to Jeju Island in South Korea. It goes without saying that these individuals have overcome terrible living conditions and a harrowing journey. However, due to the large number of asylum seekers, lack of support on the island, and bureaucratic confusion, many individuals found themselves in limbo; unable to work, unable to leave, and without much money to continue to support themselves while they awaited a decision from the government.

As this story spread amongst the foreign community in South Korea, Roy Garcia organized a group of individuals, some affiliated with We Hope, and decided to have a modest fund-raiser in hopes of raising a few hundred thousand won.

They wanted to act quickly as news of more and more Yemenis becoming homeless spread. They decided to attempt a quick turnaround and to stick to what they knew how to do best: make burritos. Within one week, they had sold upwards of a hundred burritos and homemade salsa. All of this would have been impossible without the support of Cima Bar, We Hope and several local teachers who gave of their time, financial resources, and burrito making skills.

In the end this small group of people was able to raise over a million won, by far exceeding their goal. This money was immediately donated to a group of NGOs and local individuals that are currently supporting the asylum seekers. This is what We Hope is about. Helping others, doing what you can to support your community, and improve our world.

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